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圣汐捕食者 40Sunseeker 40 Metre Yacht

发布时间:2015年04月10日    作者:

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Sunseeker 40 Metre Yacht

The Sunseeker 40 MetreYacht is for those who enjoy independence and extended cruising. Offeringextreme blue water credentials, this stunning new addition is designed andbuilt to RINA unrestricted navigation classification. Palatial in scale, the25-knot, 40 metre yacht presents ultra-spacious accommodation for up to 12guests with clever layouts that allow the crew of 9 to move discreetly aboutthe boat. There is an extraordinarily wide choice of cabin configurations, andoptions include the newly introduced, automated balconies to the forward mastersuite and main deck.



The Sunseeker 40制游艇是为那些乐忠于惊醒独立性和扩展性巡航的人们。提供极致的蓝色水凭证,这个惊人的新增加的设计和建造RINA无限航分类。富丽堂皇的规模,25个结,有40米长的游艇展示多达12位客人用巧妙的布局,使9船员谨慎走动船超宽敞的住宿。有客舱配置一个非常广泛的选择,选择包括新引进的,自动化的阳台前向主人套房和主甲板。


